The shaping of life, With the dining table as the centerpiece, The spatial definitions of elevation and depth, As if in a multiverse, In the moment of convergence, To feel each other's existence, Concealed entrances and exits, Bringing hearts closer together, As with spatial proximity, Even when we draw close to each other ,We still retain ourselves
生活的塑形, 以餐桌為核心, 高低層次化為空間界定彷彿身處多元宇宙, 在交會的瞬間, 感受彼此存在, 隱匿的出入口讓心的距離如同空間距離, 即使彼此貼近仍能保有自我。以精工打造的中島餐桌為核心的開放式格局,將次臥房以開放形式連結公共區,突破空間界定的制式設計,透過高低落差的踏階,形成如同暖炕的座位區,近乎和室地坪的巧妙規劃,讓連結次臥的地板,同時也是餐桌延伸的座位區,即使小家庭,也能呼朋引伴舉辦多人餐會,滿足情感交流的目的。如同藝術雕塑的櫃體,同時兼具隔間與實用的收納機能,充分增加空間坪效的複合式設計,彰顯了寸土寸金的都會住宅美學。