To create a house not only a stylish reception lounge but also a warm relaxing home, incorporating both modernism and humanity-oriental spirit to develop a new aesthetic of lifestyle.
糅合了現代與傳統東方元素, 既是明亮靜謐的療癒空間, 也是優雅時尚的私人會所, 雙重機能賦予居家美學新意境

To create a house not only a stylish reception lounge but also a warm relaxing home, incorporating both modernism and humanity-oriental spirit to develop a new aesthetic of lifestyle.
糅合了現代與傳統東方元素, 既是明亮靜謐的療癒空間, 也是優雅時尚的私人會所, 雙重機能賦予居家美學新意境