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The Culture Carried On 擁書萬卷的傳承

Furniture is the spirit of life that carries on a family.

Chair and sofa is the field where affections of families are gathered.

The origin was two retro bookcases

that forms the space where couples share their time in reading or where they have emotional exchange.

The solid and durable walnut brings a color of warmth and smoothness.

It extends the main color tone of the space, through subtle texture granting it the appearance of unity, matching with the ceiling, floor, and walls.

No excessive decorative volumes are applied in the space.

It is enriched solely by details and designs on the surface.

More subtle languages embellish the fineness of the space in ceiling and the walls

傢俱, 傳承於一個家族的生活精神

若為主人椅、沙發, 必為匯聚家族感情交流的場域

起源兩座復古書櫃家具,凝聚夫妻在空間閱讀時刻, 桌上情感的交流,結實剛硬胡桃木, 卻擁有溫潤的色彩,衍伸空間主要色調, 並給予附有細微肌理的天地壁材質搭配,空間無多餘的裝飾量體

僅利用表層的細節設計增添豐富空間,無論在天花架構與壁面, 更多的細部語彙襯托空間細緻

空間規劃兩房於採光充足的面向,將其次空間規劃於主臥作為大容量更衣室,櫃體於空間中增加容量也產生兩側走道, 區劃使用者的收納機能,呈現了更多的細節於手指接觸的手取部分,主臥延伸胡桃木皮與凸顯高貴的皮革,空間豐富如同高級精品展示但卻又內斂


品味空間 裝飾恰如其分,內斂卻擁有豪宅風韻,詮釋人文的典雅風範

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